Adventure-O Mandatory Gear List
March 19, 2017
Personal Full-time Gear
One (1) hydration pack, holding at least 70 ounces.
One (1) safety whistle.
One (1) waterproof shell jacket - no plastic ponchos or garbage bags.
Signed personal injury waiver and medical information sheet (download below and bring to race check-in).
Personal medical supplies for outdoor activity such as inhaler or EpiPen, as appropriate for your situation.
In addition to this full-time list, each person may be required to carry their PFD and bike helmet throughout most of the race. Exact information will be provided in the race instructions.
Personal Biking Gear
One (1) mountain bike. Road bikes and cyclocross bikes will not be advantageous, or even workable for the race terrain.
One (1) ANSI approved bike helmet.
One (1) rear red flashing light for bike, in working order.
Team Full-time Gear
Two (2) compasses.
One (1) watch
At least one (1) waterproof, sealable map case and a waterproof pen.
One (1) wilderness medical kit, containing at least the following:
Four (4) band aids
Two (2) sterile gauze pads, minimum size 4" x 4"
One (1) elastic wrap, minimum width 2"
Adhesive tape (athletic or duct tape recommended)
Instant cold pack
Four (4) ibuprofen or acetaminophen tablets
One (1) cell phone in a waterproof dry bag. The phone is intended only for calling 911 in emergency situations.
One PFD per team that will be required on the Trek. This PFD must fit at least one team member. The team may be required to carry this PFD during the cycling sections.
Media Release Form signed by all team members (download below and bring to race check-in).
Equipment Transport Waiver signed by all team members (download below and bring to race check-in).
Team Biking Gear
Two (2) spare bike tubes (One tube for 2-person teams).
One (1) bicycle repair kit, including a chain break, and tire levers or equivalent.
Recommended Equipment
The following equipment is not required, but may be useful... you should trust us on this.
Long pants, or other suitable leg protection from ticks, sunburn, and vegetation.
Insect repellent.
A brimmed hat.
A dry bag for important gear, such as the cell phone.
A Personal Injury Waiver and Medical Information Sheet will need to be filled out and signed by every participant prior to the race start. Information on the medical summary sheet is considered confidential and will only be communicated to emergency personnel if there is a medical emergency. Medical summary sheets will be destroyed after the event.
Each team will need to fill out an Media Release Form and Equipment Transport Waiver. Race volunteers will be taking photos and video during the event.