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MNOC Meet Results
Event: 20th Annual Adventure-O
Date: July 9, 2022
Location: River Falls, WI
Thank you to all of the teams who came out to race on a beautiful day!
And a special thanks to all of our volunteers!
Meet Director: Kendra Stritch
Registration: Philip Stromme
Check-In: Mary Morris, Andre Ringle
Medical: Brent Bakken
Canoe/Kayak Wrangling: Jessica Hutter, Carter Stritch
TA Support, Setup, Food, Cleanup, Control Retrieval, etc.: Sean Casserly, Jessica Hutter, Vince Laraia, Mary Morris, Andre Ringle, Andrea Schneider, Carter Stritch, Kendra Stritch, Zack Wentzel
Results: Philip Stromme
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