Privacy Policy
1. Definitions
In the following paragraphs, MNOC refers to the Minnesota Orienteering Club, a 501(c)3 organization incorporated in the State of Minnesota, its officers, its members, and any person designated by the Minnesota Orienteering Club or its officers for the performance of club business.
2. Personal information gathered through the website
MNOC gathers information about persons or organizations that preregister for our events. We ask for the following information for the stated purposes:
Name: to know who is registering, of course.
Gender and Birth Year: these are asked to determine your normal OUSA competition class.
Competition Class: asked in case you select to run in a different class than normal.
E-mail Address: this is our preferred method for communicating with registrants.
Mailing Address: this is asked in case A) MNOC needs to send you materials associated with registration (e.g., preview maps), and B) as a last-effort method for communicating with registrants.
Phone Number: this is our secondary method for communicating with registrants.
During registration, you may choose to have your computer remember your information so you don't have to enter it again for a different registration. This information is stored as a cookie on your computer and is only transmitted to the MNOC web site.
MNOC gathers information about persons or organizations that purchase shippable items through our online store:
Name and Mailing Address: these are required to ship items!
Phone Number: MNOC needs to be able to contact you if we have any questions about your order.
MNOC uses Paypal's secure site to process credit card payments. To use Paypal, buyers must sign up for a Paypal account. To assist with the Paypal signup process, MNOC sends the name, address, and phone number entered into the MNOC site to Paypal, together with the order number and cost. This prevents a buyer from having to enter this information a second time at the Paypal site. If a buyer already has a Paypal account, then this information is simply ignored.
MNOC uses ZapEvent to manage the registration process. Creating a ZapEvent account will enable an faster registration process. MNOC encourages it's participants to make themselves familiar with ZapEvent's Privacy Policy.
3. Privacy of Personal Information
MNOC does not share any personal information gathered through the website, or through any other channel, with any third parties without prior written permission, except as noted above in section 2. MNOC is an all-volunteer, tax-exempt organization that takes its responsibilities to its members, customers, and the general community very seriously. MNOC does use personal information for internal tasks such as, but not limited to, administration of club membership and dues; compilation of historical results lists; rankings; and website personalization.
4. Meet Results and Reports
MNOC reserves the right to post all meet results, including names, courses, and times, and competition classes for all participants in an event. Meet reports may additionally include the names of participating individuals, at the discretion of the author (usually the meet director.) Any person or organization wishing their name to be removed from meet results or reports should e-mail the webmaster.
5. Photographs
MNOC reserves the right to post photographs from selected events online. However, our policy is not to identify people in photographs without prior permission. Any person wishing their image to be removed from online photographs should e-mail the webmaster.
6. Minors
Sections 2-5 apply equally to minors participating in MNOC events, except that permission (when needed) must be obtained from a legal parent or guardian.